Supporting the body’s protection against harmful bacteria and microorganisms

Garlic (Allium Sativum)
contributes to maintaining intestinal microbiological balance and protection against harmful bacteria and microorganisms
- Garlic has been used in various cultures as a medicinal (digestive complaints, rheumatism, skin diseases, wounds) and culinary plant.
- In the Middle Ages garlic was used to prevent contagious diseases. According to several accounts, it could be successfully used in preventing the plague.
In folk medicine it was used to treat intestinal helminthiasis. - Pharmaceutical research of the plant initially focused on its efficacy against pathogens. At the beginning of the 20th century it was recognized that the consumption of garlic may play a part in preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases.B9
- Recently, there have been a growing number of publications on the antineoplastic effects of garlic.B10
- The efficacy of garlic against atherosclerosisB20 has been studied in animal experiments. This effect can be explained in part by S‑Allylcysteine found in fermented products and its inhibiting effect on the production of cholesterol in the body. As garlic increases the amount of HDL (good cholesterol), the LDL/LHDL ratio shifts positively.B20 The antioxidant effectB3 B4 of garlic has been proven as well, which may also play a part in the prevention of atherosclerosis.
- The efficacy of garlic against atherosclerosisB20 has been studied in animal experiments. This effect can be explained in part by S–Allylcysteine found in fermented products and its inhibiting effect on the production of cholesterol in the body. As garlic increases the amount of HDL (good cholesterol), the LDL/LHDL ratio shifts positively.B20 The antioxidant effect of garlic has been proven as well, which may also play a part in the prevention of atherosclerosis.
- The efficacy of its active agents against pathogensB2 has been proven in several experiments. Due to the proven antibacterial effect of sulphur containing compounds, in theory, it could be used in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori infections.B19 B13
According to epidemiological studies, certain tumours of the digestive system are less frequent among regular garlic eatersB10, which partly might be due to the antibacterial effect of certain active agents in garlic. - Under laboratory conditions, garlic has been found to prevent the growth of several respiratory pathogens (bacteria, viruses)B16.
- Computer modelling has shown that alliin, allicin and quercetin present in garlic inhibit the coronavirus protease enzyme and spike protein of the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirusB11, thus they may theoretically be effective against the spread of the virusB6. The anti coronavirus effect might also be due in part to the fact that the compounds of garlic inhibit the production and secretion of inflammatory cytokinesB12. The antiviral effect of the compounds in garlic has been demonstratedB12 against several viruses that cause diseases in humans (e.g. adenoviruses, coronaviruses, influenza viruses herpesviruses, rhinoviruses).
- Among the cardiovascular effects of garlic, the slowing of atherosclerosis, the lowering of cholesterol level and blood pressureB7 have been supported by clinical trials.
- The regular, scheduled intake of garlic reduces the level of LDL cholesterol in the blood responsible for the damage of blood vessel wallsB9 B1 and is thus used to slow down the development of atherosclerosis.
- Taking garlic also slowed down the growth of plaques typical in atherosclerosis.
- In human trials aimed at the hypotensive effect of garlic mostly showed a mild decrease, 2‑17 Hgmm systolic and 3‑16 Hgmm diastolic, in blood pressure.
- The risk of developing stomach and colon tumours is lowerB10 in people who consume a high amount of garlic.
- It also has a positive effect in the supplementary treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers.
- Efficacy against respiratory infections has been proven in a modern clinical trialB16. According to a study, the prolonged preventive intake of garlic significantly reduced the risk of respiratory infections.
- The severity of the infection caused by the 2019 coronavirus (COVID‑19) varies within a wide range, from an asymptomatic course of the disease to the development of a severe acute respiratory infection. A fever, a dry cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain, fatigue, the loss of appetite, disturbances in smell and taste are the most common general symptoms. This condition is characterized by a reduction in the number of immune cells and an increase of inflammatory cytokines. The compounds in Allium sativum (garlic) are capable of diminishing the impact of inflammatory cytokines and bringing immunological disorders to a more acceptable level. Allium sativum is a beneficial preventive measure prior to SARS‑CoV‑2 infection. Allium sativum is a functional food that is well known for its immunological, anti pathogenic, anti‑inflammatory, anti‑mutagenic and antineoplastic qualities. Its antiviral effect has also been proven. Certain parts of this plant have been found to be effective against unicellular parasites. It appears to restore most of the immune system disfunctions observed in patients with COVID‑19 infection. In conclusion, it can be stated that Allium sativum may be an acceptable preventive measure against COVID‑19 infection by boosting immune system cells and suppressing the production and secretion of inflammatory cytokines and the inflammatory adipose derived leptin hormoneB12.

King Of Bitters (Andrographis paniculata)
supports the body’s natural defences, especially in the upper respiratory tract

White horehound (Marrubium vulgare)
supports the intestinal tract, contributes to healthy digestion and to proper liver and bile function
- Its efficacy as an immunomodulant has been demonstrated on animals infected by Salmonella typhimuriumD3.
- It has shown an antimicrobial effect against several pathogens (Gram + bacteria, fungi, parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii, Trichomonas vaginalis and Plasmodium berghei, E. Coli)D3 D4 under laboratory conditions. It has showed an antiviral effect against the herpes virusD3 D2.
- No modern clinical trials have been done with white horehound, its main areas of application (alleviation of cough and digestive complaints, improvement of appetite) are supported by experience gained through traditional useD1.
- Computer modelling has shown that alliin, allicin and quercetin present in garlic inhibit the coronavirus protease enzyme and spike protein of the Sars‑Cov‑2 coronavirusB11, thus they may theoretically be effective against the spread of the virusB6. The anti‑coronavirus effect might also be due in part to the fact that the compounds of garlic inhibit the production and secretion of inflammatory cytokines.B12 The antiviral effect of the compounds in garlic has been demonstrated against several viruses that cause diseases in humans (e.g. adenoviruses, coronaviruses, influenza viruses herpesviruses, rhinoviruses)B2.
- Among the cardiovascular effects of garlic, the slowing of atherosclerosis, the lowering of cholesterol level and blood pressureB7 have been supported by clinical trials.
- The regular, scheduled intake of garlic reduces the level of LDL cholesterol in the blood responsible for the damage of blood vessel wallsB9 B7 and is thus used to slow down the development of atherosclerosis.
- Taking garlic also slowed down the growth of plaques typical in atherosclerosis.
- In human trials aimed at the hypotensive effect of garlic mostly showed a mild decrease, 2‑17 Hgmm systolic and 3‑16 Hgmm diastolic, in blood pressure.
- The risk of developing stomach and colon tumours is lowerB10 in people who consume a high amount of garlic.
- It also has a positive effect in the supplementary treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers.
- Efficacy against respiratory infections has been proven in a modern clinical trial.B16 According to a study, the prolonged preventive intake of garlic significantly reduced the risk of respiratory infections.
- The severity of the infection caused by the 2019 coronavirus (COVID‑19) varies within a wide range, from an asymptomatic course of the disease to the development of a severe acute respiratory infection. A fever, a dry cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain, fatigue, the loss of appetite, disturbances in smell and taste are the most common general symptoms. This condition is characterized by a reduction in the number of immune cells and an increase of inflammatory cytokines. The compounds in Allium sativum (garlic) are capable of diminishing the impact of inflammatory cytokines and bringing immunological disorders to a more acceptable level. Allium sativum is a beneficial preventive measure prior to SARS‑CoV‑2 infection. Allium sativum is a functional food that is well known for its immunological, anti‑pathogenic, anti‑inflammatory, antimutagenic and antineoplastic qualities. Its antiviral effect has also been proven. Certain parts of this plant have been found to be effective against unicellular parasites. It appears to restore most of the immune system disfunctions observed in patients with COVID‑19 infection. In conclusion, it can be stated that Allium sativum may be an acceptable preventive measure against COVID‑19 infection by boosting immune system cells and suppressing the production and secretion of inflammatory cytokines and the inflammatory adipose‑derived leptin hormone.B12

Bile acids
- Endotoxins are components of the Gram negative bacteriaF12. They consist of a species specific lipopolysaccharide (LPS) moiety as well as conservative lipid-A, which is the toxic portion of the molecule.
- Millions of Gram negative bacteria live in mammals, which usually do not cause a health problem. In pathological cases, endotoxemia develops as a result of higher amounts of endotoxin entering the bloodstream, which can cause trauma and shock. This can happen when the bacterium is killed or starts to multiply, in which case the endotoxins are released from the bacterium and get into the body. Endotoxin (LPS) released by live or dead bacteria binds to the lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LPB) in the blood. The LPB-LPS complex binds to macrophage CD14 receptors, a process that results in macrophage activation. Activated macrophages induce the formation of various molecules, primarily cytokines (e.g. IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α, IFN-g, etc.), which eventually enter the circulatory system and activate the immune system through various mechanisms. The body’s defence mechanism becomes overloaded due to an increase in the amount of endotoxin entering the bloodstream, the immune system “overreacts” to the danger, which can lead to tissue destruction, endotoxic shock, and ultimately death.
- Sepsis is a common and increased risk factor for such conditions. Sepsis is when, by overcoming the defence mechanism, pathogenic bacteria spread from a purulent nucleus at different points in the body and, together with the endotoxins, enter the bloodstream and lead to the development of symptoms of sepsis.
- All of the effects that damage the intestinal mucosa have been shown to reduce or prevent altogether the production of a peptide, cholecystokinin, in the absence of which the gallbladder cannot empty the bile into the intestine and, in its absence, endotoxins released from broken bacteria, and when introduced into the circulation, endotoxemia, in more severe cases, trigger shock. Under natural conditions, however, bile acids protect the body against endotoxins that are still present in the gut because they are broken down into non toxic parts. It has also been shown that this protection also protects all lipoid structured agents (such as enveloped large viruses). This system of protection based on the detergent effect of bile acids is physicochemical protection.
- Bile acids reduce digestive and biliary complaints caused by bile deficiency thus significantly supporting the weakened immune system. They also neutralize endotoxins released from the necrosed cell walls of Gram negative bacteria that are the cause of numerous diseases. Bile acids inhibit the spread of several strains of viruses (influenza, corona, hepatitis, herpes/Epstein Barr, HIV, EBOLA) by preventing virions from biding to the membrane of host cells, thus impeding the production of viruses, but they also break down the virion host cell bond in viruses already produced.
Additional health suggestions about the effects of herbs and bile acids:

Protection against bacteria
The essential role of bile acids and herbs in protection against bacteria.

Bacterial and fungal infections
The beneficial effects of bile acids and herbs on various infections

Bacterial nosocomial infections
According to survey, millions of people get infected in hospitals every year

Supporting the immune system
The immune system is a set of cells, tissues and organs involved in the defence against potential infections

Supporting the intestinal tract
The essential role of bile acids and herbs in digestion

Antioxidant effect
In several chronic diseases the reduction of natural antioxidant protection has been observed

Antiviral and antibacterial effect
The anti-infective effects of the AntiBac(Vir), together with its prophylactic effects on several other diseases

Mitigating bacterial superinfections
Various respiratory viruses impair the defences of the airways
B1 – Anti-hyperlipidemia of garlic by reducing the level of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein
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